oh yeah......I. AM. FREE.
after the Intervensi and St. John comp,
I am totally worn out
and would love to have a long nap.
however, there are still homeworks waiting for me
which are due tomorrow
to my agony.
let's start off with the St.John comp shall we.
haha...that was straight to the point hor..
..well, on the 14TH OF FEBRUARY,
yesh, Valentines Day...how sad, we still had to go to school.
so after school, we practiced marching at school until kena halau by the guard =)
then we went home to bathe, GO YOUTH, etc.
yeah! going to see you people at Youth made my day ^W^
oh ya, see you guys next week k, there's
LTC{Leadership Training Course} this week.
simply put as prefects camp.
after youth, I ate dinner at Bel Pasto with mom and dad.
{btw, the tiramisu RAWKS}
after eating to my maximum capacity,
I went to Pei Ling's house for our overnight stay slash preparation for the next day.
haha.. when I reached her house, all of them were upstairs so I went up.
When I was about to open their room door,
Pei Ling opened it, and she got the
shock of her life. Imagine this :
you were wondering when Jocelyn was to come
then you open the door to go downstairs to check
when u open the door
you look down {PeiLing's taller than me lah}
a long haired being
dressed all in black is in front of you.
hahahahXD that's how I made my entrance.
LOL kan?
so after practicing and preparing,
we went to sleep at 11+pm
some people couldn't tahan NOT going on MSN. haha..
then, later at FOUR AM IN THE MORNING,
we had to wake up.
u imagine lah...about four hours of sleep.
mann..tired like siao the next day.
we reached the place at 6am, goodness me..
our team! yay us. l-r : Hui Yoke, Me, Chien Min, Mei Fang.
PLS Ignore the weird bun-ed up face of the Chay.
the sky at 6am :: the sky at 6.50 am
that's Mei Fang's hand.
compare the blueness of the 2nd one =)
Wee Yean
she's cute^^
and she was fascinated that my phone could do this effect
and sad to say,
her bottle fell in to drain
accident I think.
{hehe..she managed to get back her bottle at the end of the day,
one guy helped her to take it. ^^}
haha..zoom tak jadi.
Bei Lynn and Yan Yan
their pose so cute rite?
during the competition,
we had to change to our uniform and when we got to the changing room..
my goodness..it was OPEN. and some windows were broken. and there were guys {pengangkaps} outside. below.
haha...somehow, we changed lah.
after going to SMK Kepong Ulu,
I am now really thankful for St. Mary.
Our school is definitely in a better condition.
so people..don't complain. ^^
1st - Appearance Check. we had to senang diri for SO LONG. the heels of my feet were BURNING.
2nd- Home Nursing. messed it up due to nervousness. we went too fast and forgot some stuffs. sorry....I forgot u had to shake the thermometer..T.T
3rd - Marching. okla..again..i messed up..
that's Hui Ming, our reserve.
Our Mangsa. Thank goodness he was small sized. or not we wouldn't be able to carry him. If we hadn't passed the time limit.
the make up cool mann! the wounds really cun cun like real.
the "flesh" that's suppose to tear out also look super real.
I could have puked at the side of it.
First planning to treat the casualty.
Bei Lynn, Soo Theng.
Bei Lynn, Wee Yean
seee! make up real leh....cool.man.
our dear Ms. Yong who drove us to and fro the place.
4th - Short Case. this is where we were shocked. we FORGOT to wear gloves but still, the end, the doctor who was the judge said we were the BEST TEAM SHE HAD SEEN SO FAR. all of us, including the seniors, went like "whatt?"
haha...so clearly unexpected. even when we were announced as winners, we were still like, "really ar".
oh well..it was..yeah..
after coming back from the competition on sunday,
I had to study Sejarah for the next day,
it was so hard cause I was so tired.
and as expected, probably not so good marks for sejarah and geo.
all those "needa study alot subjects"
especially sejarah...form1 AND 2.
but I am happy with the other subjects^^.
especially MATHS.
i think I can get 100, finally after all these years..LOL
I really thank God for always being beside me throughout the whole intervensi.
he helped me thru all the subjects. especially geo and sejarah.
tembak alot, but got correct la.
oh yeah! PHOTOSHOP/ILLUSTRATOR is finally in my hands.
Labels: turkey achievements.